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Ugly Times Call for Wise Measures

Does anyone remember the Red Scare? I sure don’t. I wasn’t born yet. From what I’ve read, however, everyone was scared. Are you a Russkie? Are you a closet Commie? Fear was rampant because you never knew who you could trust. Communism was the “enemy,” the ever-present destroyer of worlds.

Today’s world suffers from something called “fake news.” Every other day a major news corporation offers a retraction of yesterday’s “breaking story” (hello, ABC!) or a semi “partial apology” if the mistakes were not terribly egregious (or publicized).

I can’t speak for anyone else, but I find that I really don’t trust anything. That political roast meme on Facebook? No thanks. That CNN news article? I’ll pass. That Drudge link? Nah.

It’s not that I don’t watch videos or read articles. I believe it’s the responsibility of a wise American and Christian to be involved and relatively knowledgeable of current events. However, I’ve become cynical and jaded. I don’t really believe what I read anymore. I don’t trust statistics or op-eds. I don’t trust politicians on either side because all they really care about are votes (hello, Hillary and Moore and Trump and Bill and… yeah).

The upside to this is that I don’t chase after media-created frenzies that are quickly retracted or forgotten. In a world of sensationalism, this is refreshing.

The downside is that a person in this universe has to believe SOMETHING. You have to trust SOMEONE. You can’t live disbelieving everything and everyone, because eventually that logic has to extend to yourself. You are, in some ways, a product of your culture. If your culture can’t be trusted and the culture shaped you, why should you trust yourself and your own opinions?

That’s frustrating.

This Is an Opportunity

Every cultural failing is an opportunity for Christians. I view fake news as a positive thing because this is where we can distinguish ourselves. Let’s make a concerted effort to not quote statistics we can’t confirm. Let’s not share links to “hit pieces” if they are not backed up by multiple sources. When we interact with others, let’s be quick to listen and slow to speak. The more you talk, the more you’ll misspeak (generally). Let other people tie themselves in a knot by talking about things they generally don’t understand or didn’t research.

This logic pertains to EVERY evil cultural trend. Abortion is rampant? Let’s stand for life. Sexual misconduct is tearing our nation apart? Let’s treat our coworkers and friends with respect and create reasonable boundaries. Our media creates fake news? Let’s find better outlets or just do the darn research ourselves if we can. If neither is possible, then tread carefully and hold onto information loosely.

However, it takes wisdom to discern right from wrong. Wisdom requires a combination of factual knowledge, common sense, life experience, and sound ethics. Are you wise? If not, you’ll fall for the fake news and lies.

Tread carefully. Seek wisdom. Embrace our nation’s political and cultural turmoil as an opportunity to set a good example for others.

*Image from

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