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You Can't Stop It

Feed it more... just give in a bit... maybe this one last time... they can have that as well... They will eventually be satisfied, right? Right?

They'll never stop. He'll never stop.

The Christian Church has tried to dance in recent decades, but doesn't realize who has more moves and nothing to lose.

Christians give in when it comes to homosexual marriage. They give in when it comes to the age of the earth and evolution. They give in when it comes to miracles and the various doctrines of Biblical inerrancy. Some are even giving in when it comes to abortion.

But how is Satan described? He is a ROARING LION seeking to DEVOUR (1 Peter 5:8). Does this seem to you like a reasonable being that will eventually be content? He'll never stop trying to demolish everything God created in this world. He'll just fight harder and talk sweeter the more we give in to him.

Christians have to realize what the Gospel is... it's only good news to one side. What is good for God's people is bad news to Satan and those under his influence. We learn from the Bible that the world is under his influence (2 Corinthians 4:4). This means something crazy:

He is going to viciously attack every institution and lifestyle God supports. He hates life! Thus will he fight for abortion. He hates marriage! Therefore he wants to mangle it beyond recognition (homosexuality first, but then polygamy, bestiality, pedophilia, and no marriage at all).

This is the evil you want to bargain with? You have the truth; he has worldly popularity (James 4:4). That exchange is very one-sided.

Christians, are you strong enough with your faith to handle being disliked, or even hated? The answer right now is a resounding "no." Satan is hearing it loud and clear, and he is willing to cut a deal.

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